Finca Vigía Foundation In The Press
“Better Relations Through Hemingway” Boston Globe
Better Relations Through Hemingway Boston Globe | June 25, 2009 By Jenny Phillips and Bob Vila AS PRESIDENT OBAMA prepares to open a dialogue with Cuba, he may well want to draw lessons from the collaborations between Americans and Cubans that are already underway....
Farewell to Arms: Hemingway Legacy Helps Heal 50 Years of Hate Between US and Cuba
Farewell to arms: Hemingway Legacy Helps Heal 50 Years of Hate Between US and Cuba January 31, 2009 It was a second home for one of the greats of 20th-century literature but, due to its frosty diplomatic relations with theUnited States, Ernest Hemingway's time in...
Hemingway’s Cuba Letters Now at JFK Library
Hemingway's Cuba Letters Now at JFK Library January, 2009 BOSTON - When Gaylord Johnson Jr. was struggling with a term paper at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., he figured he'd ask for help from someone who knew the material best: Ernest Hemingway. "I've read a...
Bell Tolls for Hemingway Treasures as Cuban House Caught in Sanctions Trap
Bell Tolls for Hemingway Treasures as Cuban House Caught in Sanctions Trap July 17, 2007 For the past two years, a group of American organisations has been working to restore the battered house and save the manuscripts and books. But US sanctions against Cuba have...
Cuban Embargo Hinders Efforts to Restore Hemingway Estate
Cuban Embargo Hinders Efforts to Restore Hemingway Estate May 18, 2006 Ernest Hemingway, who lived in Cuba while writing The Old Man and the Sea, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and other works, left behind a stucco villa outside of Havana filled with furniture, artwork,...
Hemingway Project Sailing Along Smoothl Watercraft Expert Says Cubans Doing Good Job Of Preserving The Pillar? Mystic
Hemingway Project Sailing Along Smoothly: Watercraft Expert Says Cubans Doing Good Job Of Preserving The Pillar? Mystic April 4, 2006 When Dana Hewson traveled to Ernest Hemingway's former estate in Cuba last week, he was pleasantly surprised by what he found. As...
An Unprecedented Collaboration Between the U.S. and Cuba: Saving Hemingways Home
An Unprecedented Collaboration Between the U.S. and Cuba February, 2006 Following an arduous 17 hour travel day with team members meeting up on the connecting flight through Cancun, Mexico, and the usual anxiety through the customs booth in Cuba, we made a 1:00 a.m....
Papa’s Legacy
Papa's Legacy October 3, 2005 Don't let Hemingway's Cuban house become the last victim of the Cold War Novelist Ernest Hemingway is a national treasure - in Cuba. It's shameful the U.S. government can't get past 40 years of Cold War paranoia and help preserve the...
Embargo Hampering Restoration Effort of Hemingway Villa in Cuba September 26, 2005
Embargo Hampering Restoration Effort of Hemingway Villa in Cuba September 26, 2005 San Francisco de Paula, CUBA -- The bullfighting posters have been packed away, the famous Royal typewriter stored in a dry place. His Cinzano bottle is gone, too, and his hot jazz...
Sun Also Rises on Hemingway Home: Americans, Cubans try to keep legacy
Sun Also Rises on Hemingway Home: Americans, Cubans try to keep legacy September 6, 2005 Americans, Cubans try to keep legacy SAN FRANCISCO DE PAULA, Cuba -- In the 44 years since Ernest Hemingway died, the beloved Cuban villa where he penned classics that won him the...
The Old Man and The Political Sea
The Old Man and The Political Sea July 18, 2005 OPINION: When Ernest Hemingway died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in July 1961, it was three months after the Bay of Pigs invasion. Relations between the United States and Cuba were at the lowest point of the past 46...
Cubans, Americans Unite to Save Hemingway Home:Up Front | Cuba
Cubans, Americans Unite to Save Hemingway Home: Up Front | Cuba U.S. preservationists have offered Cuba help in shoring up Ernest Hemingway's beloved home outside of Havana The yellow-tiled room where Ernest Hemingway stood to write For Whom the Bell Tolls is empty...
Will The Bell Toll For Hemingway’s Havana Home?
Will The Bell Toll For Hemingway's Havana Home? June 7, 2005 A house sags in Havana - and not just any house, but Ernest Hemingway's favored residence, where he wrote such classics as "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "The Old Man and the Sea." And so, declaring the sorry...
The World”: Restoring Hemingway’s Cuba Home
"The World": Restoring Hemingway's Cuba Home June 6, 2005 TAMPA — Finca Vigia, or "Lookout Farm," is where Ernest Hemingway wrote the book that won him the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. It's also where Hemingway settled down for two decades after living in Chicago,...
Time Taking its Toll on Hemingway Home
Time Taking its Toll on Hemingway Home: Saving It, Though, Will Take More Diplomacy Than Carpentry June 3, 2005 Saving It, Though, Will Take More Diplomacy Than Carpentry by Kevin Walker TAMPA — Finca Vigia, or "Lookout Farm," is where Ernest Hemingway wrote the book...
Hemingway Home in Cuba on Rescue List
Hemingway Home in Cuba on Rescue List : HEMINGWAY HOME IN CUBA ON RESCUE LIST June 3, 2005 Ernest Hemingway's house in Cuba is falling apart, prompting the National Trust for Historic Preservation to mount a rescue campaign that has the U.S. government's OK, despite...
Bell Tolls For Hemingway House In Cuba?
COX NEWSPAPERS, June 2, 2005 By BOB DART WASHINGTON – In a victory for prose over politics, preservationists announced Thursday that the Bush administration has eased the trade embargo against Cuba enough to allow at least the first steps toward saving Ernest...
A Hemingway Home ‘Endangered’
NEW YORK TIMES, June 2, 2005 Compiled by LAWRENCE VAN GELDER Ernest Hemingway's home in Cuba when he wrote ''For Whom the Bell Tolls'' and ''The Old Man and the Sea'' was named yesterday to the list of America's Most Endangered Historic Places, issued by the National...
Hemingway’s Cuba Home On List Of Endangered Places
REUTERS, June 2, 2005 By SUE PLEMIN WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Classic American author Ernest Hemingway's beloved house in Cuba joined former homes of U.S. presidents and King Island in Alaska on an annual list issued on Thursday of "America's Most Endangered Historic...
Preservation Ordered
MUSEUMS JOURNAL, May 2005 By PATRICK STEEL An archive of unpublished writings fill Ernest Hemingway's decaying old house, now a museum, in Havana. No wonder that the building's survival is a priority, says Patrick Steel It is every curator's nightmare: your collection...

Hemingway’s Hamburger, photo by Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan
In 2013, Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan wrote an article for the Paris Review about the “treasure trove of lists, recipes, and writings [in Finca Vigía collection] that intimately illustrate his appetites and involvement in temporal minutiae.” The article included a recipe about Papa’s favorite hamburger.
1 lb. ground lean beef
2 cloves, minced garlic
2 little green onions, finely chopped
1 heaping teaspoon, India relish
2 tablespoons, capers
1 heaping teaspoon, Spice Islands sage
Spice Islands Beau Monde Seasoning — ½ teaspoon
Spice Islands Mei Yen Powder* — ½ teaspoon
1 egg, beaten in a cup with a fork
About one third cup dry red or white wine.
1 tablespoon cooking oil
Break up the meat with a fork and scatter the garlic, onion and dry seasonings over it, then mix them into the meat with a fork or your fingers. Let the bowl of meat sit out of the icebox for ten or fifteen minutes while you set the table and make the salad. Add the relish, capers, everything else including wine and let the meat sit, quietly marinating, for another ten minutes if possible. Now make four fat, juicy patties with your hands. The patties should be an inch thick, and soft in texture but not runny. Have the oil in your frying-pan hot but not smoking when you drop in the patties and then turn the heat down and fry the burgers about four minutes. Take the pan off the burner and turn the heat high again. Flip the burgers over, put the pan back on the hot fire, then after one minute, turn the heat down again and cook another three minutes. Both sides of the burgers should be crispy brown and the middle pink and juicy.*
*Spice Islands discontinued its production of Mei Yen Powder. Here’s how to recreate it:
Dry Mix: 9 parts salt + 9 parts sugar + 2 parts MSG
If a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon Mei Yen Powder, use 2/3 tsp of the dry recipe (above) mixed with 1/8 tsp of soy sauce.