News from the Executive Director

Photograph Conservation Workshop a Success!
Despite challenges associated with Hurricane Helene, the second session of the Taller de Conservación y Preservación de Fotografía that took place from September 23-27 was a success. Building upon the principles shared in the first session in April, this workshop focused on practical conservation techniques and materials.

US Department of State Sponsors Photograph Conservation Workshops at Finca Vigía
The last week of April, 2024, US photograph conservator, Luisa Casella, traveled to Hemingway’s home to conduct the first of two week-long workshops for Cuban conservators. Conservation materials were brought to Cuba from the United States under a license from the Bureau of Industry and Security.
Finca Vigía Foundation Receives State Department Grant
PRESS RELEASE — For Release December 11, 2023. Boston-based Finca Vigía Foundation today announced it has received a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Department of State. This is the first collaboration between the Finca Vigía Foundation and the Department of State.

It’s 2023 and We are Back at Finca Vigía!
Despite the difficult economic situation in Cuba, our architectural and document conservation teams continue their consultation at Finca Vigía. Both groups have been on-site as well as consulted remotely this year. The technical team has been instrumental in the repairs of the HVAC system…

There’s More Work to Be Done at Finca Vigia
The Hemingway conservation trainings you supported are working well. In 2022, the Cuban staff conserved 600 priceless documents, 164 books, 9 oversized maps, and 35 objects in Hemingway’s home in Cuba. But there’s a lot more work to do and we are enthusiastic and optimistic that it can be done with your financial support.

Ken Burns Hemingway Documentary
Ken Burns recently underscored the importance of our on-going project to preserve Ernest Hemingway’s house in Cuba.

Moving Forward in the “New Normal”
It has been very difficult to watch the devastation that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused throughout the world—including within the United States and Cuba.

Covid-19 and Our Work at Finca Vigía
It has been very difficult to watch the devastation that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused throughout the world—including within the United States and Cuba.

Bringing Conservation to Scale
At the end of January, our chief document conservator, Walter Newman, gave the Restoration Center a test. Mr. Newman conducted back-to-back conservation workshops with staff of the Museo Hemingway and conservators from 6 other museums in Havana.

Conservation Center for Hemingway Documents is Complete!
We are pleased to announce the Opening of the Conservation Center at Finca Vigía. A commemoration ceremony was held on March 30, 2019. The ceremony, attended by Finca Vigía Foundation board members, members of the technical team, and many representatives of the Cuban Council of National Patrimony.

Death of Founder and Co-Chair, Jenny Phillips
It is with profound sadness that we announce the untimely death of our founder and board co-chair, Jenny Phillips. Jenny drowned July 9th, 2018 while swimming off her beloved Nantucket. Jenny was an incredibly accomplished woman who devoted herself to making the world...

The Restoration Center is 80% Complete—Fundraising is Now Paramount
Walter Newman (right) overseas the selection of materials and equipment for the conservation laboratories at Museo Hemingway. The joint team effort between US and Cuban architects, engineers, and tradesmen to build a conservation center is 80% complete. The building...

The Restoration Center Now Has Electricity!
In front of Restoration Center (L to R): Lawrence Gumbiner, U.S. Embassy, Isbel Ferrero, deputy director Museo Finca Vigía, William Dupont, chief U.S. technical team, Grisell Fraga, direcor Museo Finca Vigía, Mary-Jo Adams, executive director Finca Vigia Foundation,...

Phase 2 Container Arrived
Materials to begin construction of Phase 2 of the Restoration Center arrived on site at Finca Vigia in late September. A team of construction specialists, a preservation architect, and an engineer from the US is headed to Finca Vigia October 16th. The US team will...

Hurricane Irma
We were all worried about the impact of a Category 4 hurricane at Finca Vigía. While much of the northeastern coast of Cuba suffered the severe effects of the storm, we learned that Hemingway’s house and collection did well. We were told that some trees were down on...
New Director at Museo Ernest Hemingway
After a decade of leadership under Ada Rosa Alfonso Rosales, a new executive director for the Museo Ernest Hemingway is on board at Finca Vigía in Cuba. Her name is Grisell Fraga Leal. Ms. Fraga has been a museum specialist with the Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio...

Executive Director: Mary-Jo Adams