Photo was preserved by joint U.S.–Cuba collaboration
Dear Friends,
Most importantly, we hope you and your families are healthy. This has been a difficult year in many respects. Like everyone, we sincerely wish for better days to come.
Our colleagues in Cuba have also experienced hardships. We applaud them for their fortitude and perseverance as together we strive to preserve Ernest Hemingway’s legacy in Cuba.
Your contributions made it happen. We hope we can count on your continued support.
While the pandemic may have temporarily prohibited our travel to Cuba, our Foundation has remained in constant contact with the Hemingway Museum. We delivered two video presentations, virtually, at the International Hemingway Colloquium in Havana in June.
There is more good news.
The Hemingway conservation trainings you supported are working well. This past year Cuban conservators continued their work in the newly constructed Restoration Center. The director of the Hemingway Museum told us the following was accomplished:
- 600 priceless Hemingway documents received preventative conservation;
- 164 books conserved;
- 9 important oversized maps with Hemingway’s marking of his travels were stabilized;
- 4 items of clothing, 6 weapons, 3 paintings, and 22 objects considered important for historic value were saved.
Bravo to our colleagues in Cuba!

Cuban conservator working on one of Hemingway’s 9,000 book collection.

But there’s a lot more work to do and we are enthusiastic and optimistic that it can be done with your financial support.
Meanwhile, back in the United States, our Foundation has launched social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Please follow us on social media and share our posts with your friends.
The more people who are aware of our Foundation’s unique shared cultural project, non-political, and highly successful project—the better for all.
Our Foundation’s track record in Cuba is impressive. No other nation in the world has been involved for twenty years, tirelessly engaged in the preservation of the Hemingway documents and collection.
Dedication, hard work, trust, and respect from both nations bodes well for our future.
We hope we can count on you for your tax-deductible support.
Be safe and take good care. From the Finca Vigía Foundation family to yours, we wish you a safe, happy, healthy, and peaceful holiday season.
Happy Holidays to all.