Photo on left: Workshop in Progress. No actual Hemingway photos were used this week. “Practice “ antique photos were brought from the US.
Photo on right: Group photo at the conclusion of the training. Grisell Fraga, director of Museo Hemingway in black, Isbel Ferreiro, deputy director of Museo Hemingway in pink, Luisa Casella, US trainer with hand raised, Mary-Jo Adams, executive director of the Finca Vigía Foundation, on the right.

Luisa Casella (left) assists Yaritza in the Restoration Center during the photograph conservation workshop.
The last week of April, 2024, US photograph conservator, Luisa Casella, traveled to Hemingway’s home to conduct the first of two week-long workshops for Cuban conservators. Conservation materials were brought to Cuba from the United States under a license from the Bureau of Industry and Security.
The workshop took place in the newly constructed Restoration Center built collaboratively by the Finca Vigia Foundation’s technical team and Cuban specialists. Read the full report »
Hemingway has approximately 4,500 photographs, many awaiting conservation. Conservators from CENCREM, Museo de Bellas Artes, and the Universidad de las Artes also participated in the training. All were given reading materials and homework. The second training will be in September 2024.
The Finca Vigía Foundation is grateful to the US State Department, the US Embasssy in Havana, and the Cuban Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural for supporting this important work.
With warm regards,
Mary-Jo Adams
Executive Director